Indoor Air Quality/Odor Assessments
"Prompt, reliable and cost effective services to
fast-track projects involving Phase I/II ESA and IAQ issues"
Susquehanna Bancshares
AET conducts indoor air quality assessments to address occupant concerns and/or reported physiological symptoms which may be attributed to indoor air quality conditions. This assessment includes a review of key components of the building's HVAC system and operational parameters with respect to maintenance and control of pollutant sources. (see project profile)
Scope of Services
- Site Inspection - AET conducts a review of the building system including an examination of construction techniques utilized and a review of maintenance records. The purpose of this inspection as well as discussions held with building management and building maintenance personnel is to document building operating systems and maintenance procedures.
- IAQ Questionnaire - Interviews are held with occupants within the site's complaint areas to establish a written timeline record of occupant concerns including the onset of symptoms and any associated events which may be attributable to poor indoor air quality.
- Indoor Air Quality Monitoring - Measurements for CO, CO2, %RH and temperature are taken in compliant area, non-compliant areas and representative outdoor locations. Results are compared between locations as well as to ASHRAE Standards. Sampling is performed in representative HVAC Zones to provide for comparative analysis.
- HVAC Inspection - Inspection of accessible HVAC equipment and distribution systems servicing the complaint area to identify obvious concerns or noted problems. Mechanical plans and preventative maintenance schedule are also reviewed.
- Specific Pollutant and Source Inventory - AET inspects common areas, mechanical rooms, and occupied tenant areas for pollutant sources which may generate odors and/or air contaminants with the potential to significantly impact indoor air quality. Pollutants which are routinely evaluated include:
(1) Volatile Organics
(2) Airborne Particulate
(3) Viable and Non-Viable Fungal Spores
(4) Airborne Bacteria and Endotoxins
(5) Formaldehyde
(6) Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS-Nicotine)
(7) Asbestos
(8) Carbon monoxide
- Odor Investigation - Nuisance odors in the work place can be detected by the human nose at levels far below governmental standards; even at concentrations below instrumental detection limits. Prompt handling of resulting employee odor compliants is critical. AET is trained/experienced to define the odor, assess its impact on overall health and comfort, identify possible sources and recommend control solutions (see project profiles)
Common Odors routinely evaluated include:
(1) MVOCs associated with hidden mold growth
(2) Leaks from sewer gas, natural gas, freon
(3) Hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds from decomposition
(4) Amines and carboxylic acid from decomposition
(5) Environmental tobacco smoke
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