Underground Storage Tank Testing/Monitoring And Management
AET's staff of geologists, engineers, and chemists will assist you to determine the leakage risk for existing tanks. During removal projects, AET's staff will work with certified contractors and inspectors to help assure that the tank removal is done correctly. AET's staff is trained to conduct and supervise work at hazardous or potentially hazardous sites and insure that contractor's employees work practices are implemented to minimize the risk of harm during the removal process, and limit your firm's liability. Whether it's just a soil removal project or the installation of an air stripper, our staff can pick the right technology to cost effectively do the job.
Scope of Services
- Evaluate leakage risk of the UST(s) by auditing the general environment around the tank(s), proximity to critical receptors, soil types and moisture content, age of the tank(s), contents of the tank(s), inventory records, soil gas profiles, soil conductivity, and ground water quality.
- Conduct air monitoring for the health and safety of the workers and the surrounding population during the UST removal process, and collect soil samples for laboratory analysis to determine if the soil surrounding the tank has been impacted by a leak.
- Should there be a leak in your UST or the piping system, AET is equipped to characterize the site, identify the nearest critical receptors and define the extent of contamination resulting from the leak.
- Following soil removal in the excavation pit, AET will collect attainment samples to confirm remaining soil meets regulatory standards.
- Where contaminate plume extends beyond the limits of initial soil removal, AET will advance soil borings and collect samples to define the vertical and horizontal extent of contamination. Remediation strategies will be evaluated including installation of ground water monitoring wells.
- Data obtained is combined in a closure report document (or remedial action plan) and with consent of the client, submitted to appropriate regulatory agencies.
To view representative AET project profiles click here
Full Service... Fiscally Responsible... Project Design and Project Management